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Context + Expression + Function = Form


The needs of the users and the physical constraints of a site are what drives our spatial decision making and we approach each project without preconceived notions. As designers and planners, we research and absorb the social, historical and cultural contexts of a site in order to develop physical and symbolic links that will determine the forms and spaces on a site. We strive to tie a project in to the fabric of the community and make it seem familiar while at the same time, unique. We view each project as a potential learning experience, as we share strategies with the Client, Architects, Engineers, Planners, Ecologists, Estimators and other specialists to discover and draw out the essence of a place. 

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Ecology & Environment


As our local and global values shift and change, we are all accountable to future generations to ensure the sustainability of our environment and natural resources. We must find ways to efficiently enhance the quality of our drinking water through bio-filtering and storm water management.


The capturing, control, redirection and reuse of storm water is the basis of site planning and engineering and its disbursement is dictated at every municipal level. We continually strive to develop new ways to capture, cleanse and distribute the volumes of storm run-off that we encounter on every project.


Erosion is one of the Earth's most severe environmental and economic issues and its loss mitigation is one of our top priorities on any project. Soil provides our physical base and it is of the utmost importance to conserve it through sensitive ecological design.


We must also find ways to reduce air pollution and bring back the dark night skies obliterated by light pollution. Most importantly, we must continue to effectively educate our children about leaving the world a better place from generation to generation. This is why RDA is committed to and accepts being managers of our world ecology for our Clients.

Collaboration & Inclusion


Design is and should be a collaborative process and we engage our Clients and their communities as much as possible. The "traditional" design process is often linear, rigid and self-centered while "Integrative" design is circular, fluid and transparent. It is an inclusive process and often features visioning sessions, design charettes and public interaction.
The principles of integrative design seek to create systems that meet environmental, social, budgetary and time frame goals, from the inception of an idea through the assessment of a finished project.

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